Agency for Open Culture hails CAMP 

By Bih Claribel

The Founding Co-Director of the Agency for Open Culture and Critical Transformation, Susanne Bellinghausen has commended the effort of the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals CAMP for their commitment towards the fight against hate speech and misinformation.

Susanne Bellinghausen was speaking on Saturday May 6, 2023 during a visit to the head office of CAMP for a working visit. She was accompanied by the defyhate Cameroon Country Director Desmond Ngala.

The delegation was received by CAMP’s national President, Solomon Agborem and the Executive Director, TabeTarhyangEnowbikah.

In a statement of welcome, the Executive Director of CAMP, traced the relationship between CAMP and defyhate Cameroon which has been very cordial. He went on that over 30 CAMP members have had the opportunity to be trained by defyhate Cameroon through the Africa Fact-Checking Fellow program.

Explaining the objective of their mission, Desmond Ngala the defyhate Cameroon Country Director said he was pleased to be in Limbe to meet with top management of the Association which is amongst those highly recommended by their organization. Ngala said the visiting guest was in Cameroon to meet with partners of defyhate and to strengthen the already existing partnership.

Susanne Bellinghausen from Berlin-Germany on her part was pleased with a large picture at the CAMP head office with stickers of defyhate.She said it was an important visit for her to meet stakeholders who have been on the forefront of making a difference in combating hate speech and misinformation.

On his part, the National President of CAMP, Solomon Agborem described defyhate field guide as a veritable tool to combate hate speech for the fact that it is very practical. He saluted the efforts by the defyhate Country Director in ensuring that other stakeholders are brought on board and not only journalists. President Agborem also announced the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of CAMP to take place in August along side the 6th edition of the Victoria International Media Merit Award which he invited the defyhate team to be part of.

Discussions during the visit also centered on how both organizations can continue working togetherand the need to collaborate when need be.

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